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About azagtoth502

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  1. azagtoth502

    Please welcome US Acoustics to SSA

    Very nice.
  2. azagtoth502

    Might Finally Install A Stereo...

    I read what you said about these not being the best platform for audio....none the less really cool work & I still like those cars.
  3. azagtoth502

    sundown amps vs smd dd1

    Do I believe in the DD-1......not really. It may be good for installers since most customers are clueless on what to listen for & or don't care to learn. I don't agree with all of his products but it's not my life's mission to bash everything he does. Point is to blame the device for blown amps is just silly.
  4. azagtoth502

    sundown amps vs smd dd1

    To answer the op's question.....no the dd-1 didn't damage the amp. For DB-r it was simply easier to blame the DD-1. I over tighten a bolt on my engine do I blame the wrench?
  5. azagtoth502

    I guess I am a noob? :)

    Welcome homie
  6. azagtoth502

    Please welcome SoundQubed to the SSA forums

    Hell yea \m/
  7. azagtoth502

    Volt meter recommendation

    http://www.ebay.com/itm/LCD-Digital-Blue-Voltage-Volt-Meter-Voltmeter-Panel-20V-/161036504011?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item257e860bcb 3 years now with no trouble...and was nice to have when my alt went kaput or I woulda been stranded.
  8. azagtoth502

    wiered noises

  9. azagtoth502

    the over-RMS fetish

    But but but running 3x rms at .00000012 ohm is the shizznit man.
  10. azagtoth502

    Seahawks V.s Broncos 2014 Superbowl (post predictions here)

    I just respect the hell outta Manning so yea.
  11. azagtoth502

    square VC subsN

    I read it as voice coil just fine
  12. azagtoth502

    Health Update

    Pleased you're doing better
  13. azagtoth502

    Bad news for the IA80.1

    AD-1 would solve this bs.
  14. azagtoth502

    What's up Big Jon!!!?

    I dig it.
  15. azagtoth502

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2
