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Running 100.4 Active

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I know you can run the 100.4 active. I "believe" using the SSF to make a bandpass. Does it do that with chan 1/2 or 3/4? The manual doesn't really explain much.

Any help or links to a post with that info would be GREATLY appreciated as I'm doing an install for a guy this weekend and need that info asap. Or Mr. Sundown replying and setting me straight is always appreciated. ;)

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Either set will work as both also have an LPF, but channels 3 + 4 have the best low-pass filter so it's best to bandpass the midrange with them. Channels 1 + 2 only have an LPF from 30 - 250 Hz while 3 + 4 offer 50 - 5000 Hz variability.

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Thanks Jake, I knew you'd come through. Is there an actual BP switch on the amp, I couldn't tell from the manual?

Install will also have 2 1500D's strapped to a DD9515. I plan on taking some pics of the install...

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Thanks Jake, I knew you'd come through. Is there an actual BP switch on the amp, I couldn't tell from the manual?

Install will also have 2 1500D's strapped to a DD9515. I plan on taking some pics of the install...

There is no switch, the subsonic is always active. It is variable down to 10 Hz so it is essentially "off" at that point.

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