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Do I fire my sub towards my trunk lid or into my vehicle? I have asked several people and now I'm going to ask the proz.....which way would yeild the better sound? I head that on paper it should be the same? Could you guys tell me why i should do either or? PLEASE - THANKS

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If you're chasing numbers on a meter, try every configuration you can...

If you're just going for a well blended substage, use whatever looks aesthetically good to you.

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Some cars sound best with the subs facing forward.

Some cars sound best with the subs facing backward.

Some cars sound best with the subs facing up.

Some cars sound best with the sub box in a corner, and the sub facing the center of the trunk.

The same goes for SPL. And you'll never know which is best till you try them all.

(I found that there isn't a lot of difference in my particular applications...I can tell, but passengers can't...YMMV)

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In my daily driver I like the sub facing back the best for SQ, it seems a little smoother. It is in a closed trunk against the seat, a sealed 12 I just took out for a different install. I had a different box in there ported and sealed with other 12s I tried in it...it seemed to sound best facing back too. Obviously I didn't like any of them that well so I'm trying IB into the seat now.

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Anyone else tried this both ways?

Not in a trunk car...but I had a 4Runner in HS. I had 2 Image Dynamics 12s sealed. With the box facing back, it wasn't nearly as loud, so it sat about 3 inches behind my rear seat. But that's the only car that I've had that was like that. Most are louder with subs facing back, and IMO sound best when corner loaded.

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