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Need opinion on sub enclosure!!

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I just had an idea on a sub enclosure for my 2002 reg cab s10.....

what im thinking is to take out both seats and make an enclosure shaped like a bench seat (with cushion and carpet covering it) with a sub firing backwards behind where each seat was or maybe one firing backwards in the middle

i havent worked out any details yet but i need opinions, because i dunno how safe this would be, say if i got into an accident or even if i could make a box sturdy enuf to support myself and other ppl

Now, time for you guys to either tell me how stupid it is(cuz it might very well be lol) or gimme some help designing it!!

any pros or cons would help!!



Edited by tlm

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wild idea, but loads of custom fabrication

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not soo much i dont think, i mean basically its just



-and a way to attatch it

can you think of nething else?

also, i just took a VERY rough measurement and i have (surprisingly) almost 9 cubes to work with so i have alot of options

Thanx guys keep em comin!


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I dont know if I would face them backwards, especially if its ported because you will need room for it to breathe. You could maybe make the box into a bench shape and fiberglass the seats and add cushions if you wanna get crazy with it. I have always thought of doing this. My cousin did it in his jeep and it was pretty cool, the only thing is, dont make the seat too high because you wont be able to fit.

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Now are you talking about taking out your seats that are in your truck and making a bench to sit on? I don't think you would get away with that for safety reasons. If you ever got pulled over I bet that would be a fine

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