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18" BTL's

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I'm going to run 2-18'' BTL's each in there own box with 2500 watts to each sub. I would like to know if 6 cubes each would be good for the power that i'm running or should the box be bigger to reach full xmax? And do you have to add the ports size to the size of the box or not? I know you add the sub displacement to the box so do you add the ports to??? Want to run 2-6'' Precision Ports pre sub tuned @32hz. Does this sound like it would work? Want LOUD DEEEEEEEEEP BASS. And what is the disp. of a fully load BTL? Any help would be great.

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6 cubic feet is fine, as long as you stay within our guidelines you should be good to go.

As far as displacement its like .2 cubic feet....you really don't have to worry about woofer displacement too much, it's not that critical.

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