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jockin my styLez

box design for 15" Q

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ok so i made up this box from a website..

for those who know what they are doing can you let me know if these specs are accurate

and if this will work well for the Q

i went for 4 cu ft and 30hz port


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Looks within our recommendations..

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If the specs are right, it should sound fine. My only concern is how you can have an accurate tuning when teh port length changes. It is shorter up top then it is at the bottom. IMO that would blend the tuning. I am not a "skilled" box builder, so I do not know how that would affect the tuning, but it should still wang nicely.

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If the specs are right, it should sound fine. My only concern is how you can have an accurate tuning when teh port length changes. It is shorter up top then it is at the bottom. IMO that would blend the tuning. I am not a "skilled" box builder, so I do not know how that would affect the tuning, but it should still wang nicely.

if you use the average length (the length halfway up) in the calculations, it'll be fine

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Looks fine to me. When I have had a slant port like that, I have always just averaged the top and bottom lengths for the "correct" length. Seems to work fine when the ratio between the two isnt very different.



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