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Box for 2 15" Fi SSDs..

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I just bought two 15" SSDs with the copper coil option..I will be giving them 1500 watts.. I have a '95 4-door Blazer they will be going in. My question is, what size box and tuning would be ideal for the best LSQ I can get out of this? I want the subs to be able to get LOW also.. And how much port area?> I am new to multiple sub setups.. Does each 15" need its on chamber?

On another note. WOuld I get better results with the subs/port facing back towards the hatdch, or sub up, port back CRX style?

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Ah, now i see it. Sorry i didn't see your topic before.

Put the subs up, port back. As far as enclosure dimensions 3-4 cubic feet per sub (so your looking at 6-8 cubic feet total for the pair) is fine, with 12-16" of port area per cubic foot of volume. Generally speaking the larger enclosures have a "deeper" more "boomy" output than the smaller side, same with port area. Generally speaking you have more output with the larger end of the port spectrum vs. the smaller end.

If you want middle of the road, then shoot for 7 cubic feet of volume and use ~100sq inches of port and tune to 33hz.

Sorry i didn't see this before.



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Would you reccomend subs up port back for an Astro van as well?

Doing 4 15" SSD's on two Sundown 1500d's.

Roughly the same sizes on the box, but doubled of course? Daily ride, but do compete heavily.


Edited by Ntrain2k

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I've never done anything but a wall in a astro van, honestly no clue there. You may want to fire both sub and ports up...



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