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No brake pedal pressure

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Okay so Im restoring my pickup. I but new brake lines on. (Rubber ones) and started to go bleed the brakes. Okay so, The right front brake bled just fine, with no pedal presusre, Went to bleed left front, no pedal pressure but since the right front bled fine I figured it would do it again. Started bleeding left front. Pumped up the brakes and held them down...... Loosened valve to release air..... and Nothing. No air no fluid no anything. The master cylinder is full. I took the bleeder valve off to see if it was clogged and it wasnt. But i blew it out anyway. When I took the valve off, It had brake fluid on it. But nothing came through...... Any suggestions? I might either have a bad Master Cylinder or a leak on the back brake lines. but if that isnt it what can I do?


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Don't you have a double master? The front and rear should be running off separate systems, if not I'd get a dual master before finishing anyways. Check the left front lines to make sure there aren't any kinks or restrictions.

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You should've had pressure after bleeding one, especially considering the rears were fine. How exactly did you bleed them? And like Sean asked, is it a shared reservoir? If so, then you have air in all brake lines, not just the front.

Lastly, what vehicle is it? I know on my 88 GMC, there is a bleeder on the cylinder itself that has to be bled before the brake lines. It is prone to clogging as well. Make sure you know the EXACT procedure for your vehicle. It may involve more than you think. It took me two years to figure out why the rear brakes on my truck wouldn't work.

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Also, if it's a new master cylinder, make sure you bench bleed it

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