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Fi Car Audio

Scott MIA from 6/30 to 7/08

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Ill be out of the loop to a certian extent during 06/30 - 07/08. We are setting up a new warehouse for Ascendant, getting production ready, holiday, and various other Fi shop upgrades during this period. We will still have staff at Fi building subs, but there will probably be an extra 2-3 days build time during this period.

Most likely Sales@ and Scott@ emails will not be answered and will have an autoreply. Hate to do it... but Ill get back to them on 07/09. If it is an emergency, please post it to the forum or email [email protected] or [email protected]

Thanks for your understanding and patience.


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Back in town and sorting through all the fun stuff that happened (or didnt happen) while I was gone.

Ill run through all the posts on the forum later tonight. Gotta head to the shop now :)



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Also waiting for a response to the canadian costs and shipping question. I also dont want this to come across as a rush post, i have already been blown away by your customer service, im just eagerly waiting to order one of these badass subs!

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Trying to get through all the emails as fast as I can. Came back to a little over 600 of them...lol Always a delay when you have that many, not too mention the responses from all those and so on... normally takes a week or two before things get back to "normal".

Sorry for the delay.

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