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Q recone

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I emailed about this a few days ago and havn't heard anything so I figured I'd try here. Had a buddy of mine borrow my car for a week, messed with the gains, and blew up my Q 18" dual 2 ohm. Cut it out and the coil was black and looked like it had been scraping the inside of the motor on a side of it as well. Looking for some info on getting a recone kit for it.

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That tends to happen with clippin the amp.

My 12 did teh same thang, black coils, with rubs.

Ole well, live and learn... Right?

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i emailed them to about my btl blowing with no reply for a few days now as well idk whats up i sent an email just sayin i need help with my btl and got a reply right away but when i told them the prob no reply idg it there usually so helpful

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That sucks...that's why I have my bass knob out of sight. Just in case someone else needs to drive it, I can prevent abusive fools from destroying my sub.

But then again...I never let anyone else drive my car.

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I'm mean I just take the face out.Sorry no radio for you while you drive my vehicle.Also keeps them from having my ride too long,cause they get bored with no tunes lol

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