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need some creative ideas here for my room

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ok heres the deal...im gonna order my 2 mj-18s whenever, its not on the top of my list right now, as i dont have a reciever yet, or crossover for the sub amp, etc...but i need the box built so when i get the subs, ill just drop them in.

however, ive got some idea's, and id like your input on them. ive been told to do about 4.5 cubes per mj-18, tuned to 30hz. so im just gonna make a 9cu ft box tuned to 30hz (unless you guys suggest something different) and what i want to do, since space is limited, i want this to be the bottom of my desk. meaning the subs will be down firing (possibly the port too, if not, i dont care if the port is showing) and on top, what im gonna do is build a shelf to make it look like a desk, and then stain it all (gonna use Birch) to match the other furniture. i WAS thinkin something along the lines of this, but since its gonna be a desk, my laptop will be on it (gotta do something about the vibrations lol) so i want somewhere to put my feet, like a normal desk.


so i think i like this better, i dont know if this would work, or if i can somehow build the 9cu ft box as one, but have a notch in it for my feet. or two 4.5 cu ft boxes, one on each side (as in the pic) then a piece or birch on top for the desk top piece, then from there, ill build the shelf.


what do you guys think? this is for my new room, and instead of my dad getting me a desk, i figure i could possibly combine the box + desk as one, and no one would even know its a sub box ;)

has anyone ever done this before?

ps- sub box is for music, not HT or movies.


i look forward to ///M5 and Jim's replies HAHA!

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I don't care how much you brace it, personally I would not put a laptop on top of that as a desk. You are going to have to do alot of bracing on that before you could use it as a suitable desk though I think because if you are working at it you will notice the slightest vibrations. Personally I'd look for another route, possible a coffee table or an end table, something along those lines.

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1) I'd probably go sealed instead. Not that a bass reflex design would sound bad, it'd just be silly IMO to have all that low frequency potential and waste it.

2) I wouldn't do the desk idea either. Unless you live in something the size of a dorm room, you should be able to find enough room. If it were me, I'd run them next to the mains as a stereo pair :)

But then again, you have a surprising knack of taking the worst choices out of the ones available, so I expect to see a build log of a dual 18" desk sometime in the future.

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1) I'd probably go sealed instead. Not that a bass reflex design would sound bad, it'd just be silly IMO to have all that low frequency potential and waste it.

2) I wouldn't do the desk idea either. Unless you live in something the size of a dorm room, you should be able to find enough room. If it were me, I'd run them next to the mains as a stereo pair :)

But then again, you have a surprising knack of taking the worst choices out of the ones available, so I expect to see a build log of a dual 18" desk sometime in the future.



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if i go sealed, what size should the box be?

also, if i do the desk thing, its most likely gonna be the box, then ill build like a "false floor" type thing to raise the height of the box (so the actually box itself wouldnt really be the top of the desk) then go from there.

Jim, the room is pretty damn small, i have 2 rooms in my new house, the other room will have my bed/dresser/nightstand/etc to sleep in, this smaller room (back of house) has a couch that takes up one whole wall, and i still need a desk, the sub box, and to fit my 2 speaker towers, not to mention somewhere to put the reciever/amps/etc.

also, im gonna be getting a PC soon, cuase my laptop is like 5 years old and its turning to a POS...so the PC would be on the floor, only thing on top would really be the monitor, which might not be true becuase eventually im getting a wall mounted LCD so that would be my monitor....

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I don't care how much you brace it, personally I would not put a laptop on top of that as a desk. You are going to have to do alot of bracing on that before you could use it as a suitable desk though I think because if you are working at it you will notice the slightest vibrations. Personally I'd look for another route, possible a coffee table or an end table, something along those lines.

i dont really sit there and write or anything, its just when im on the computer. plus if was doing HW or something, i wouldnt have the radio on lol

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I actually like this one better than any of the others though. You can brace the desk enough to use a laptop on it, especially if you don't have it on while you are bumping, the big thing is to protect the hard drive. I am not so sure you will be able to lift it once it is braced right. If you do port I vote for somewhere in the 12-16hz range and would encourage you to not only brace but use at least a 2.25" desktop & baffle.

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ya, id use MDF, then for the last layer, just put some 1/2" birch, or even thinner, just to stain it to have the nice finish.

this is going on a second story, so id have to build it, take it up there, then brace it in my room i guess lol.

im gonna be starting this soon either way, cuase we're moving in this week, and i want a desk lol.

why so low of tuning? mark @ mach5 told me 30hz...or could he have been mistaken and thinking i was using this in my car?

i thought you tune that low when its for HT (movies, etc)

this is strictly for music only.

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bump... i wanna start this soon, i think with enough bracing i could make it work.

really all i need help with is the boxes...should i do the two 4.5 cu ft boxes?

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Tuning that way for movies sure, but also for LFE. If you port high in a house (like 30) you are going to lose the lows below that but gain a peak in probably what you might consider the "happy range" but I wouldn't go for that trade off. I bet Mark thought they were for your car. I'd either port those really low or run them sealed inside. You don't have that nice cabin gain on the lower end to beef things up like in a car so your driver needs to extend deeper.

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well the length and width i want to keep to a minimum, and i want to keep it square. so it obviously has to be big enough to fit the 18" in it. so a couple inches bigger on the length/width would be cool, like 21 x 21, and then make the height what ever it need to be to get the 4.5 cubes.

if the heigh is going to be really high, then add some to the length/width to take off some of the height.

how should i do the port (sub down firing)

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Going to depend a lot on your port and tuning frequency.

At 4.5 cubes net, a real generic 26sqin of port tuned to 16hz is going to be around 60" long. You are going to have to slot and bend to get her to fit three times over with a 21x21xZ sized box.

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ok dont laugh at my ghetto sketch-up.

now, since it came out un proportional, ill explain what the red is in the pic. under the red strips is the sub box. the red stripes are actually the 2x4s, about 10" of 2x4s, not only to brace, but to raise the height of the sub boxes to the height i need the desk to be. (the 2x4s wont be seen)

then on top of all the 2x4s will be the top layer of birch, for the top of my desk, then the shelf gets built from there.


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Going to depend a lot on your port and tuning frequency.

At 4.5 cubes net, a real generic 26sqin of port tuned to 16hz is going to be around 60" long. You are going to have to slot and bend to get her to fit three times over with a 21x21xZ sized box.

could you help me think of some way to do this? :)

what if instead of two 4.5 cu.ft. boxes, i one 9 cu.ft box, but in the center, i some how build a notch for my feet/chair to go?

would it be easier that way? then the box would be like 21" sticking out from the wall, how ever high, but it would be really long.

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and to clarify, by 2x4s, this is what i mean.

(from my old wall)

except on the desk, itll be like 10" high, so itll be 10" of solid 2x4s in between the desk and the sub box, i think thatll stop the vibrations.



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Going to depend a lot on your port and tuning frequency.

At 4.5 cubes net, a real generic 26sqin of port tuned to 16hz is going to be around 60" long. You are going to have to slot and bend to get her to fit three times over with a 21x21xZ sized box.

could you help me think of some way to do this? :)

It isn't that hard, but requires a bit more assembly skill. Here is a 90" port in a .65cuft box. Total box is >3 cuft and it is more than 2/3 port:


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ive been thinking of a setup for my dorm so this topic caught my eye, i was going to do 2 18" Mjs also but sealed so i could fit them under my bed in a 6 cube box.

you could have the subs face out where a standard desk would have drawers, and then have a single port, 20" wide by 7" high so you could fit feet and itd be nice and breezy haha. generally i dont even go under my desk because my sub and computer are in the way (i rest my feet on the sub sometimes, 2 cubes only) but i could deffinitely fit 22.5 cubes total in the space of this desk. so you could easily fit 9 cubes

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M5, its not about building, its just designing the box/port is what I can't do. I have diagrams and measurements of my room, ill post them tomorow, as my internet is down and I'm posting this from my phone.

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I understand but there is no such thing as a design for a box without an exact volume, tuning frequency and port area.

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well i need 4.5 cubes per 18, and you say i should tune to 16 or 20ish hz?

thats what i need to get designed.

ive got a couple options i have as far as space goes....

option 1:

the red is the couch, notice it comes past the bathroom entry (not a door, just an opening) about 16". i still have plenty of room to get through that entry. leaves me for the desk/box: 39" from the edge of the couch to the wall (one sub box can go in there as part of the desk, as well as a table for the couch. then ive got that whole wall as well (115") I can build as far as my closet door opens, which is noted in the pic.

option 2:

red is couch again, goes up to where the closet door opens up. from the other end of the couch to the wall, ive got 24", then from there ive got 133", but can only be a width of 21" cuase i wouldnt want the desk to come past the bathroom entry. id also have to notch out for the window.

what you guys think? i kinda like option 1 best..more room for the desk/box IMO.

you guys gotta love my MS Paint diagrams

keep in mind, im gonna build something similar to the desk diagram in the first post, but to fit in the space i have outline in the pics below. Two 4.5^3 boxes @ 16 of 20 hz i guess?


see pics below


see pics below

Edited by pimpedout97x

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Put them measurements in feet & inches, not just inches if your giving room dimensions.

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