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ebay box

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Doesn't say how big the port is...(square inches)

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i would addvise aginst it as it says "Custom"

but fails to mention for what sub it was designed, so custome being the oppretive word here ? id go to a local shop and get it Custom built for YOUR sub, :)

or give us the T/S and ill plot you a cut sheet for a boxx you can build yourself.

will need to know max highth wigth depth of where the box will be placed,

and what kind of music you lisen to so we port it to the correct freq:

also if you intend on going to competition or is this a Street beatter :slayer:

Hell i bet the guys in the Fi forum can tell ya what the box should be ill plott it for ya and theres nothing like smilling and telling people you built it yourself.

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i would addvise aginst it as it says "Custom"

but fails to mention for what sub it was designed, so custome being the oppretive word here ? id go to a local shop and get it Custom built for YOUR sub, :)

or give us the T/S and ill plot you a cut sheet for a boxx you can build yourself.

will need to know max highth wigth depth of where the box will be placed,

and what kind of music you lisen to so we port it to the correct freq:

also if you intend on going to competition or is this a Street beatter :slayer:

Hell i bet the guys in the Fi forum can tell ya what the box should be ill plott it for ya and theres nothing like smilling and telling people you built it yourself.

thanx for the help...but i've never built a box before and i dont know if i really want to..im lazy lol. but for real tho..i know you guys here like for things to be as good and perfect as possible..nothing wrong with that....but all in all..i know that box might not be the best for that sub but will it alteast bump straight with a hifonics 1200...not looking for db's or comps..just bass...some rap will be played..some rock..just a little bit of everyything. i dont have a local shop to go to and im sure they will charge more than 140 for it anyways. so just let me know bc im ready to get this thing bumping!

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As nick said... Find a box that gives more info about it's build.... Or ask the seller a question about the port sqr inch....

I understand what your saying "settling" for a box that will let you play some bass is totally your decision to be made.....

just remember this.. a sub is ONLY as good as it's enclosure....

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If you were looking for a sealed enclosure, going with a pre-fab wouldn't be as bad of an idea...if it's ported you're after, I wouldn't recommend it.

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i called a shop i know about 30 miles from here and they said they would make me a box at 3.5 cubic foot tuned to 34 hz but when i asked for that he's like what sub is this made for..i said a fi ssd..he doesnt know what fi is and i can tel he thinks its garbage lol. he'll hear it tho when its done....

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