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From: Amp Pictures and Stats

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lol @ jeremy n00b


and heres a couple of random pix i took:



Mmmm, PCB's

Got any 4000X's ?


Where's the TU line?



Where's the TU line?



x2... more specifically the 4360 and 600 (I cant decide between the two)

you see that lone black heatsink sitting on top of a box witha toroid in it in my random pic post? there ya go!

but seriously like i said, there are only AX series are AX3000DE's over at the factory until January. Makin room for the new and improved AX's! :) im freakin excited

Sorry My friend, Im gonnna use your post! :)

Wow, that freaked me out ;)



ehh.. not that fancy, just a usamp 200, hope to mod it soon though

2x100wrms @ 4ohms

2x200wrms @2ohms

1x520wrms @2ohms bridged


its a IS2200 in the top pic, a DE1000 next to it.

The MD1 and MD2 look identical inside, as do the 41 and 42 (the difference is in amounts of FETS fitted and turns on the toroid.

The AX DE3000's look very nice - a design starting to mature.

I had the first 2 "mk2" DE3000's off the line back in 2004 and they were great amps other than they didnt quite do the power.....the 4 torroid ones were good but blew up.

I have faith that dirks creating something good here :D:D

Dirks always creating something good :)

x2... more specifically the 4360 and 600 (I cant decide between the two)

go for the TU600 if you're planning on powering a set of components ... I have my TU4360 on a three-way set

The TU300 from my listening sounds nicer than the TU600. a bit sweeter.

I am not over enamoured by the TU4360 as we have had issues with them cooking the 4th tube in the row as they receive their gate voltage in series.

EDIT: I guess I'm taking my chances :blink: oh well...





HEY! when did you get those? lookin nice tho!

flakko, show the guts of a merlin MD2 please.....im to scared to take mine apart

i cant lol i dont have any! ill try to post them the next time i go, but rite now i only have the md1 (on the 1st page) does almost half the power.

im interested also :)

I've had the AX-TU4360 & my 500DE since mid-August and I finally got my AX-TU300 in early October (put it in about three weeks ago), it was all suppose to come at the same time, but I guess there was some sort of mix up on the shipping of the TU300; anyways, I'm very impressed with the amplifiers and would instantly recommend them to anyone in the market

luckyness... :(

Wow! Those boards look clean. I heard the New AX amps will be the most powerful out every. Plus, I was told you could link as many units together {10/20/100 or as many as you need} to a single speaker. {patent pending} Other companies can only link two, as master and slave.

That is bad ass technology.

flakko, show the guts of a merlin MD2 please.....im to scared to take mine apart

They are the same PCB.

Its just different amount of output fets.

To save you hassle.







Compare to MD1D


As you can see - same board different sink all fets filled (1D has 2 outputs and 4 psu missing.)

got some new merlin 2 pix:



mdcomparo7lz.jpgtop: MD 22 Bottom: MD41


MD22 vs a Viper 1200.1 that does twice the power of the merlin.


MD41 vs 9.2

edit: ill take some pix of teh "MADE IN USA: sticker tomorrow :)

got a little info on the MD2 today...

The MD2 is rated [email protected] efficiency is at 80-85%

same goes with the MD1 except its [email protected]

has been updateded

holy living room full of MD2's!!!

drool drool... I'd love one of the a/b's that do 800wx1@4ohm... but alas they are all to expensive for now... someday :) nice amps....

Quick Q

Why was the IS CEA 2006 but not the XT ?

the XT's are made to sell to the stoopid people who dont know the diff between class a/b and class d. the specs they have on the manuals and boxes there just for that reason... the specs i have on htis site are the actual specs.

You callin me st00pid !

actually, im selling mine for a merlin :D

not being an ass but a what f*cking joke. i mean come on now. as a customer i want accurate specifications. not some BS. i remember i pm'ed you last week about the 800.2 being bridged around 3-400 watts and same with the 1600.2 being bridged to 6-800? i mean wtf, 3-400 and 6-800 is a damn big gap. as a customer i want to know the rating of an amplifier, not the range of an amps output. not only that that website is again a joke. also reading that a manual of an xterminator amp states the wrong fuse rating on the amp. i mean come on now. any legit company won't do that at all. i love usamps but chit like this is pissing me off. Relay this message to "JR" and usamps.

i emaild him, hopefully he can come and clear things up.

as for the website, COMON DUDE!! things take TIME....i think there is a thread on that already.

I know, just had to throw in the website as a part of my rant :D.

still doesn't look good to say 1000w right on the box of the xt2000d. usamps = hifonics?


Or is it the other way around !?!?!

honestly though, all i ask if for correct specificationis and not a range of specs. all these lil things usamps have ignored will eventually piss the customer off. just tell usamps to clean this up because if it keeps up, they may have possibly lost a customer.

honestly though, all i ask if for correct specificationis and not a range of specs. all these lil things usamps have ignored will eventually piss the customer off. just tell usamps to clean this up because if it keeps up, they may have possibly lost a customer.

Just tell?

Your phone broke?

Pick it up, dial the number, and tell him yourself..... like any "customer" would.

yes it broke :rolleyes:.

if i was an owner or employee of a company, i wouldn't do that to my customers. it's not my problem and it shouldn't have to be. as a "customer" the best way to truly express your displeasure for a company is to not buy a product. so please, stfu.

yes it broke :rolleyes:.

if i was an owner or employee of a company, i wouldn't do that to my customers. it's not my problem and it shouldn't have to be. as a "customer" the best way to truly express your displeasure for a company is to not buy a product. so please, stfu.


Then dont buy it and spare us the piss and moan when you havent the the most obvious thing you can do, which is call. Everyone but you seems to realize this. Your ranting here is pointless. Grow a hair, call JR, and tell him how you feel. THEN let us know how it went.

We cant do a gd thing for you in regards to any of this. Perhaps the sand in your 'gina distracted you from typing your rants in the second/third most obvious venue for contact.....a PM/Mail to jrlutor.

Unless of course your sole mission was "teh drama". In which case feel free to keep spamming your displeasure to noone that cares, or has the power to do anything, and perhaps you can work some bandwagoners up into a frenzy over a shi tty website design and stat mistakes*.

"if i were the owner".....you too would make a mistake at one time or another unfortunately. "If i were an employee", you would also make a mistake at one time or another, and you would do wtf you were told or you would be looking for another job.

*Which im sure you make none of since you are perfect.

Third. Net sales, when allowed, compromise about 10% of a companies sales. All the more reason to call like a normal window shoppe....i mean customer.

people screw up

get over it

Renegadesrun, please spare me the BS. as an amplifier company i was referring to stats that are essential for the customer to know. did i say a company couldn't make mistakes? NO. show me where i said? oh wait, I DIDN'T. What i said is i would not have my stats be off on my manuals and have a POS website where the internet is the main access of information for potential customers to attain information about their product. obviously usamps hasn't taken serious action in this department.

its not really my job to fix their mistakes nor do i have the time or the concern to go contact usamps about my complaints. there are plenty of other companies to choose from. so thats why i didn't contact them myself as if anything flakko would relay anything to usamps (in which he did).

i hope you get my drift, as i get yours. i have no intentions of causing drama.


it has been UPDATED! new merlin specs up

updated again

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