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loudest setup

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So I know that the output of any system is going to be install dependent. However, because I don't have the opportunity to hear any of these subs in person, I was hoping that maybe someone could tell me (read guess) which setup would be the loudest, in general. I am considering running one of the following setups in the trunk of my Sonata.

(2) 12" SSDs w/ copper coils sealed with SAZ-1500D

(1) 12" loaded BL ported @ 32Hz with SAZ-1500D

(1) 15" Q sealed with unknown amp

If I can muster the strength to spend more than I really want, I might also consider (2) 12" Qs sealed with 2 SAE-1000Ds.

Basically I have decided (arbitrarily) that I would like to play somewhere in the mid to high 130s if possible. Since I have no idea what it takes to get there or what kind of setups can reach these numbers, I was wondering if I am close to these numbers with one of these setups or if I should rethink my whole stategy. I know its impossible to predict what each setup will do in my car and since I have never even heard what 135 dB sounds like, I dont even know what I am getting myself into. All I know is that I want a setup that will get loud when I need it to, but retain musicality.

Also, if you have other suggestions, I am open to anything. My only requirements is that it doesn't take up more than 3 cubes and 1500-2000W is the limit powerwise because I dont really want to spend too much redoing the electrical. Thanks for the help guys.

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You can hit your goal with any of the above.

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Out of those choices, I'd stick with the first.

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Thanks guys.

I really don't know what to expect from any of these setups. My last setup was (2) 12" Infinity References powered by a JBL GTO601.1 in a Cavalier. It did OK while I was broke and in college, but now I am looking to do my first real system. I just don't want to spend $1000 on a substage and then not be happy with it. I think I could live with high 130s if thats reachable.

Denim, can you do me a favor and PM me a price for a SAZ-1500D and maybe a price for 2 SAE-1000Ds? Just trying to see the difference.

By the way, I have been looking mostly at Fi subs because they seem to have the highest cost/benefit ratio for what I am trying to accomplish. Am I overlooking something? Thanks again.

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Okie dokie.

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i like the ported 12" bl setup. we've done numerous installs here where we've gone from a pair of sealed subs with x number of watts to a single ported setup, ie: 15" m3s, pr 1000d, to 15" mojo, same amp) with the same power and the single ported setup was louder, by quite a bit. sound quality didn't seem to suffer much as these are installs dominated by hip hop music.

for more overall sq, without lacking much output, i'd go with the first option as well.

but, i'm really liking number 2.....hehe

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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