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jester king

how good is....

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I am wondering how good do you think the sq is gonna be for a new MAG?? on a sundown sae1000d btw, but yeah, I am looking at a diamond D6 and want to know what is better

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When I hear a new one, I'll tell you...

As of now, I can't imagine too many people other than Nick can give you an idea.

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mag is better.

my d6 had an unnatural thud on rolling bass lines (like soundgardens "Slaves and Bulldozers") while the mag sounded much more natural.

plus the mag just looks sexier

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I hope that it turns out better. My guess is that it sure should, but no one has heard one yet...

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ok what about the current mag

There's only a few drivers I'd take over the current one, and they all cost quite a bit more :D

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ok what about the current mag

There's only a few drivers I'd take over the current one, and they all cost quite a bit more :D

and what would those be??

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I don't have the equipment to answer that in anything but subjective terms.

Did I think it was better? Yes, but you may not. The Mag really doesn't do anything wrong, at that point you'd have to really nitpick to find any faults anyway.

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ok well, I talked to one of the Diamond dealers and he said that the D6(2007 version) just doesnt have the quality of the older ones, so now I't pretty much the MAG standing alone, but I was looking into the D9 wich he said have pretty much blew past all the other Diamond subs sofar, has anyone tested or had expierence with this sub, does it compare to the MAG at all

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