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8 Sundowns + 4 BTL = ?

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I bassraced. Got a horrible score... 151.5. Kinda crappy start, almost 120 degrees at the time, drained batteries, warm subs, warm amps.... The amps were screwed basically. I didnt play it once the entire drive there, for like 30 minutes, or at all that day even. After that ride with the amps just in the heat, they were burning up. People who I see bassrace a 153.5 no problem at all had the hardest time you could imagine break 150 in bassrace. My amps are also set to be safe. Gains less then 1/8 up, with SSF set way up to like 40-45hz. Its set to not blow anything up, but Im guessing that when I tune and tweak them Ill gain a good bit. It wasnt a good day for anyone. Well anyways, it got me second in bassrace 150-159.9. The guy who beat me had 20,000rms on 24 12s. Figures, right? Anyways, here are other random pics.

Reason why I have 2nd, and not 1st.


My award.


Aftermath of destruction.



Edited by galacticmonkey

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Still good job, I got second place in Street A this weekend.

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Street c here i come :P

Dam, i'm still trippin like it was hard to break 150 in that?


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What is your final load on each amp now? If it is 1 ohm or higher like I think you were doing then your gains are set WAY low right now and you will really bring that score up tuning them.

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Too bad w/ the heat :( Nothing wrong w/ second to 20k watts.

I'm not joking w/ that overhead console, my air vents in the roof of my yukon (rear a/c) used to vibrate out of the head liner, I greatstuffed them in place. Not the greatest way I'm sure, but effective.

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Street c here i come :P

Dam, i'm still trippin like it was hard to break 150 in that?


Go for it, since I have been competeting this year, there seems to be a lack of people in Street C. Makes me want to pull the single 12 and squeeze in 4 of them. ;)

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time for a new box maybe?

Idk I know it will go up when my voltage is higher, its not 115 degrees with like 80% humidity, i know where mycar peaks, and I actually turn the gains up a little.

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i love seeing this truck in vids..... im a basshead and that CHIT IS COOL

i posted on youtube asking for more vids,.... wicked sick

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i love seeing this truck in vids..... im a basshead and that CHIT IS COOL

i posted on youtube asking for more vids,.... wicked sick

its definetly a boomer on the lows but didnt put up any good numbers for the equipment used.

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i love seeing this truck in vids..... im a basshead and that CHIT IS COOL

i posted on youtube asking for more vids,.... wicked sick

he no longer has that setup

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is that right... what is the monkey working with now.. and what kinda discounted prices are we working with on all that used car audio!!

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I only Bassraced it once.... For a song with a note 10hz off, after like 30-40 mins of demoing for people in 120degfree heat, it only Bassraced a 151.1. With favorable conditions Id put money on it Bassracing a 154... Maybe a low 155. Keep in mind that would be below 40hz.

Its all gone, waiting for my car to sell to do something way louder.

Edited by galacticmonkey

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