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Hey, i currently have my box in about 1.6 cubes to low 30's, and Mike told me that 2cubes net at 34 would give me more output. I want to make sure i won't lose SQ, but i might give this a try. Will i gain much output with this change? Will i still have excellent SQ?

I searched a ton on here and caraudio.com and read up on ports, square inches of port area, etc, and i used various calculators. I used the calc on maximacar.com, which is the best i have seen.

The box dimensions are:

24x14.5x15 with a 4 inch by 11" port. The calculator takes into account woofer displacement and displacement of the port, and it comes out to 2.29gross, and 2.06 net. With the box being 15" deep, that leaves 3.25" of space between the back of the inside of the box and the port, which i would assume is enough since it will be coming from all angles.

I know many people will say the 4" port may not be enough, but i have read that using a round port since it doesn't have corners, etc, you don't need as much port area since the are flows smoother.

does everything look good? will i gain much output?


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a 4" seroport will work jsut fine, but you really need teh same clearance from wall to port as the port diameter. if it's flared at both ends, you might not have much trouble or even be able to tell the difference, so one could say run with it. but i jsut wnat you to be aware of the general rule.

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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