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Q dustcap hot....

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This happens to me several times (actually everytime I turn up the volume). Just playing like 10-15 mins and I could smell the VC. When I touch its hot (not to the point where you can cook eggs with it) but just wondering whether I am killing the Q slowly if not quickly.

the amp also runs hot but amps are made that way (thats why they have heatsink). Is my sub ok with it or is it with the low voltage and high current thinggy...



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The coil lets you know in advance when its not happy... ie smell. But thats not to say that you are going to kill it. Its just telling you to back off.

As above, which amp is it?



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my amp is this


Since this amp is a bit overrated (rated at higher voltage) combined with my stock alternator, I wont see the power as stated.

Sub does hit hard, but not distorted. Before this I own 2 12 CVR and the sub reach xmech so I had to turn the volume down... if that related though.

With my current alternator 60 amps (I know, going for upgrade) I dont think I would see 1000w let alone 2000w. Sub is wired in parallel into 1 ohm load.

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Whats your voltage look like when you are pushing things? And while a 60 amp alt wont keep up with the power for long... if things are charged and you hit it for a minute and you have a good battery that can dump the current, there really isnt a reason why it wont do max power for a short time.



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Havent measured it yet but last time when i'm using 2 CVR with 800w voltage floats around 13.6v. But now I'm sure it drops lower. I dont have any tool to measure how much watts actually produced. My batteries is rated at 70amp.

So I can assume I overpowering them?

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assume is a strong word appleyard....

low electrical and high turn of the volume can = very bad things...

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you could be clipping your amp as well...

just a thought. I know 36 amps of current makes mine start to get warm but i've never smelled it. If you have that thing set to 2k @ 1 ohm your at about 45 amps before imp rise.

Your either overpowering it or clipping it, either way turn the gain down a touch on your amp. For your woofers sake.

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I have a US Amps USA-2000x on a Q12. I've never had a problem unless I REALLY abused it. Then I get the glue smell after about 15 minutes.

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No clipping... already scope it. No distorsion either.

So its either:

1. overpowering (which I doubt I would because of my puny aleternator) or

2. the amp trying to get as much current at low voltage.

If its no.2, any idea on how to get it fix? Alternator upgrade?

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i believe it's low voltage at high volume... (a 1ohm set-up with a 60amp alt is a bit pushing the envelope)

If you can scope the amp meter the voltage while playing it and see how low the voltage drops...

Have you done the usual Big three extra bat in the rear ?

Edited by theabunai

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