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I am looking for the screws that some amplifiers use to screw down wires into the amp channels and power/ground/remote etc. You have to use an allen wrench to tighten/loosen them. I do not know what they are called or where I can get them. I need some because I have 4 missing from my amp. 2 for a channel on the amp and 1 for the power and 1 for the ground. Im sure I can get them somewhere local but I'd like to order in bulk off the internet. So if you know the name of them I would appreciate it if you would share your ungodly wisdom upon me. Thanks in advance


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they're called set screws, you can get them at any Ace hardware

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ya, i actually had to pick some of these up this week, you can find them usually at something similiar to an ACE hardware store as lakaiguy said, i think i found them with some miscellaneous bolts/nuts.

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