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Please, I need a box design for 2 12" Q's.

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My sub sounds like ass in the box that I currently have it in. Waaaay too much port noise! I am only running a single sub right now, but I will have two Q's pretty soon. I am in desperate need of a box design to fit my needs, my parameters are as follows:

(Max Dimensions Given)

Depth - 15"

Height - 16"

Width - 34"

I need the box tuned to about 32HZ. I would like to keep the chambers separate, as it might be a while before I buy the other sub. I would like to hear what the first sub sounds like before spending more money on another 1. All help would be appreciated. You can PM me on caraudio.com under Qbenjamin.

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That is a pretty small box for (2) ported 12" subs.

Even with a 14.5 x 1.5 port (violates the 1:8 rule), the port needs to be 27" long for 32 Hz tuning with only 1.8 ft^3 per sub.

That leaves well below 1.8 ft^3 per chamber remaining. . . .

Even a box for (2) 12's with a single port ends up:

Say the port is 14.5 x 3, the port needs to be 25" long for 32 Hz tuning in 3.6 ft^3. That leaves less than 3 ft^3 net volume using the max dimensions listed above.

You may have to go with sealed. 27" x 16" x 15" would make a good sealed box for (2) 12 q's with a divider in the middle.


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I agree with Brian on that one. You are definitely pushing the envelope with that space...

If you can do external aeroports you might be in better shape.



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Thanx for the quick reply. I have decided to just get a 15" BTL and call it a day. I was looking at putting it in a box about 4 cubes. I don't know what to tune it to, as I like the bass to hit low and clean.

I also have new dimensions for the BTL

(W) 36"

(D) 14"

(H) 17"

LMK, thanx.

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