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Ultimate LSQ Enclosure

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hey guys i'm about to get a box built by a friend and was wondering what the best size enclosure would be for my 12" Q. I've searched and read the website which recommends 1.8-2.5 @ 28-33 hz. I've heard mixed opinions, as I should as its personal preference, but what seems to be the best size/tuning for this sub for maximum output while maintaining good sound quality? Thanks!

Edited by Daher2323

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No such thing exists. Going one way sacrifices output, going the other sacrifices SQ. You have to pick, it is personal preference but you will be fine anywhere within the recommendations limits.

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yes i realize that but im looking for the most output while still being able to hit low.

would 2.2 @ 32hz be good for this? what would be better? building tomorrow

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any of those enclosures will have good output while being able to hit low, if you tune to 28hz you'll lose a little output and gain a little low end, if you go with 33 it'll roll off a little quicker but have more output and probably have a more obvious peak

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Sure, I like 2.2 @ 32 in my car. But no one's gonna be able to tell you exactly how it'll turn out in your vehicle, each response is different. Only way is to try, 2.2 @ 32 is certainly a good starting point.

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yeah i see what your saying. I guess what im trying to figure out is whether or not bigger is better for the Q. I can easily fit the 2.5 if needed...so wondering if that would perform better. anyone tried several enclosures on there Q? pros/cons? thanks

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No one can tell you if it will perform better. Why not build one of each, it is going to cost you a whopping $20 in wood. Listen to them and see.

Otherwise you have to choose between SQ & SPL or compromise.

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/\ not that it will be a HUGE compromise though

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im not building it. i'm paying someone local to build one for me and he is giving me a pretty good deal. its not a good enough deal to buy one of each though...

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