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I will be running 2-18'' BTL's off of 2-MTX TE4001D's. I would like to know if this power setup is good for what I need to run my amps. Yollew top for the starter with a 200 amp alternator, 200 amp isolator, and 2 yellow tops in the rear for the sub amps. How would I wire the 2 yellow tops in the rear. + to + and - to - ? Ground each battery or only 1? Any help with this would be great and where and what battery,alternator,or isolator I should use? And what is the Big 3? Thanks Fi buddies...

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-The yellowtops should be wired as you said, + to +, - to -,

and I ground each battery to the chassis. You don't really need to wire the - to the - as long as you ground to the body, but it doesn't hurt.

-I like the optima yellowtops because they're priced OK and I can't get kinetic near me, but I've heard many say the love kinetic.

-As far as an alternator look for one with a 'hot' rating around 250-300amps. Someone else can say a brand they trust, I have powermaster and it's OK. I want to upgrade my upgraded alt, but I plan on buying a new vehicle soon.

-I don't have an isolator, it helps prevent you from draining your starter battery when playing w/ the car off for a long time, but I dont think it serves any other purpose. I've never had a problem w/ the car starting (and I have 3 yellowtops) so I can't see why you would. If you want to put on in, I'd just check your local shop for one- I believe it's very simple to wire in.

-The big 3 is replacing your alternator to battery, battery to ground, and engine ground to chassis wires with a larger guage. In your instance most likely 1/0. I'd be sure to do this, it will help your new alternator give power to your amps, and make for much better ground. If you google "Big 3 Upgrade" there are tutorials on how to do this-it's not very hard or time consuming.

Good luck, and if I didn't make anything clear just let me know.

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