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my amplifier released some smoke.. what do i do **PICS**

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ok so i was bumpin' and after a while(10-15min), my fuse popped so i park/turn off the car, go to the back and change my 50amp fuse(got a couple for backup in the car) so then i turn on the car, i start turning up the volume VERY slowly...

then I hear and see a BIG spark as if a thunder was in my trunk(the amp is naked)... and electrical smell and smoke went off, but not alot..., so i turn off the car straight up and go take off my rear battery's negative connections...

so now idk what to do? what did cause this? and why my fuse popped in the first place(does that sometimes, not the first time)... is it safe to plug things bak? the reason i dindt is because I dont want my trunk to be caught in fire:blackeye:

any help?

here are some pics where the damage was..:

you can see on the bottom the black spot




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just swap out the transistor. It might have went bad.

Basically you can call the company and ask them what model transistor it is or it might be lebled on there and go and buy it and fix it yourself. For about 5$.

Just make sure that is the only thing.

If you do decide to fix it, plug it up outside of ur car and test it first.

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just swap out the transistor. It might have went bad.

Basically you can call the company and ask them what model transistor it is or it might be lebled on there and go and buy it and fix it yourself. For about 5$.

Just make sure that is the only thing.

If you do decide to fix it, plug it up outside of ur car and test it first.

so 1of the transistor popped? what does a transistor do in an amplifier and why did it do that?


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That looks like a power supply MOSFET. You need to replace them all if you replace one, cause the rest are probably bad now as well.

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The Optis don't suck like the Vibes do though.

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