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In about 2 weeks I'm going to be ordering a Fi 12" Q as well as a 1000rms Orion. I really need help on tuning my amp to play the best on my sub, or how to even tune an amp. Lol I'm a complete nube and just joined this forum but hey, I'm trying. If it helps any i drive a 1999 Cherokee with plenty of echo room. Ill post pictures of everything when i get it all setup.

- thanks a ton everyone :noob:

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errmm.... the only thing that you tune on your amp is the subsonic, LPF and gain.

Tunig of subs totally dependent by the enclosure they go into. If its sealed enclosure will depend on volume and if ported is much more complicated.

The term best is too general.

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You know when He is a noob, then he cant even spell it right. ;)

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I think hes trying too say he wants to set the Gain with a Dmm ?

to adjust the Gain so as not to melt his coil on his new FI 12" sub :)

thats reffered too as "Gain Setting" or "Gain Match" when theres more than 1 amp without "Master & Slave"

do you have a DMM ? ( Digital Multi Meter ) ?

how many batterys are you using ?

Ga of wire for power & ground ?

Ga of wire used for wiring sub ?

ect ect ect...

let me know if i can help... we all start somewhere :)

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I think hes trying too say he wants to set the Gain with a Dmm ?

to adjust the Gain so as not to melt his coil on his new FI 12" sub :)

thats reffered too as "Gain Setting" or "Gain Match" when theres more than 1 amp without "Master & Slave"

do you have a DMM ? ( Digital Multi Meter ) ?

how many batterys are you using ?

Ga of wire for power & ground ?

Ga of wire used for wiring sub ?

ect ect ect...

let me know if i can help... we all start somewhere :)


Sorry i did not see i was not logged in :)

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I would just go to a respected local shop to do it, I dont know how to...yet. But they usually will do it for a couple bucks if any. And they sould do a good job to, at least mine did.


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If you want to learn how to do it yourself, while this wont take clipping (distortion) into account, it will get you somewhere near where you want. Go to radioshack or home depot/lowes and buy a Digital Multimeter. Turn the DMM to measure ac current, and use a cd with test tones. Touch the + to the + of the speaker output on the amp, and the - to the -.

Use the calculator below to find out what # you should be looking for, or if you're the type who likes to do math yourself the formula:

Square root of (RMS wattage of amp * Ohm load into sub)



Very simple way of doing it. I found out the shop near me doesn't even own a DMM! And this is a little above just adjusting till you don't hear distortion.

Do you have a sealed/ported box?

If you aren't sure of what to do, just do like someone else said and stop by a local shop. Often they'll look at it for free/cheap.

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