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jockin my styLez

optimized enclosures

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are the Fi guys gonna come out with some spec sheets on some optimized boxes for the Fi line up of subs??

or have they not found that perfect box dimensions that gives the best performance out of each of the subs??

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Actual dimensions dont matter much...when compared to gross volume vs. net volume and port area vs. port length.

Usually the closer your box is to a sphere...the better it'll sound. But as with anything car audio related...it's all in the install.

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Stay within our guidelines, you'll be in good shape..

Problem with making 'cookie cutter' boxes is they simply wont fit a whole lot of vehicles.

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i actually just wanted to know if you guys suggest a box size that sounds better than the rest

for instance the Q 15" recommened box size is 2.8-4 cu ft

out of that range is there a "best" size box?

i have a rockford T1 12" and on the rockford website they have a "powerful enclosure" design thats supposed to best the best design for optimum performance from that particular sub

i really want the best optimized box w/ port tuning that you guys suggest so i know if i can fit a 15" Q in my truck or if id have to go with a 12"

i just want to have everything planned out before i order the sub

also where do i get a shipping quote from?

Edited by jockin my styLez

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The reason they don't offer a "best spec" is that it depends on what the listener wants to achieve from the subs in relation to their system..

for sealed smaller airspace affects the QTC of the enclosure and gives you more SQ

and the larger the box the more peak and bottom end you get...

same for ported as well...

So it would depend on what you plan to do, SPL, Daily, SQ and the kind of power you got to throw at it...

When in doubt you can shoot nick an email.... He has helped quite a few bunch of people out with their box... But don't forget to include all the things i mentioned....

As for a shipping quote....

I emailed scott for one but he must be backlogged with email badly.....

So i emailed nick and he went and investigated it for me....

So you can try scott or nick

I am awaiting a reply for the paypal address i can send my payment to so i can order my Q's woot woot

EDIT: Nick to the rescue again on the paypal address.... If it didn't sound so gay i would almost kiss him !!

Edited by theabunai

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for sealed smaller airspace affects the QTC of the enclosure and gives you more SQ

and the larger the box the more peak and bottom end you get...

Works the other way around, FYI.

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jimj your right i should've clarified that the base QTC for sealed enclosures are around .707 and below or above that will give peaky responses both ways...

jockin email is best

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for sealed smaller airspace affects the QTC of the enclosure and gives you more SQ

and the larger the box the more peak and bottom end you get...

Works the other way around, FYI.


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