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SSD 12'' or q''

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The vehicle is a 2006 cadillac cts

Right now i have 2 jl w3 12'' v1's in a i believe 3.5-4 cu ft box tuned to 33hz running off a chitttty pioner 760w amp that i picked up off a buddy when my jl 500/1 blew.. The amp puts out id say roughly 300-350w actual

Now i just got an awesome deal on a kicker zx 750.1 and my subs wont run on the proper ohm to utilize this amp properly. So i decided im gonna give FI a try.

I'd like to go with a single 12'' to be able to see some of my trunk again. I couldn't imagine having any less bass then i have now, i know im going to be doubling the power, but also having 1/2 the cone area. Do you think the SSD will be able to fill my need for bass off the 750.1 or would the Q get louder?

Im not to familiar with these subs but ive heard lots of good things, i hate to compair to mainstream but what sub(s) do the SSD compare to? I'm familiar with JL,kicker, and RE the most so if any of those have a sub that compare to the SSD what would it be?Also what sub would the Q compare to, i know every sub is different and what not, but im looking for the closest comparision you could give me...

Thanks for reading my long unorganized ramble, i look forward to dealing with FI!!

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SSD would be a great combo though your box is too big for one 12.Maybe w/flatwind option you could that extra db or so peak out of it w/another box.I think you'll likee!

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The SSD would be better off that amp and should be awesome ported. The Q would be good with 1-1.2kw. Running mine right now with 1200 and the output is pretty surprising. Beats out my old 12w3v2's off the xenon 600.1 and I'd say its not much behind my 2 12" RL-p's when they were sealed w/ 1.5kw. Don't want to comment about the sound quality yet but so far, it's good. The SSD and Q should retain their musicality ported if the box is right, mine sure does.

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SSD would be a great combo though your box is too big for one 12.Maybe w/flatwind option you could that extra db or so peak out of it w/another box.I think you'll likee!

oh i'd deff build a new box for sure!

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I'm running a 12" Q sealed in a 1.7cube sealed box, sounds great and gets plenty loud for me when i need it to, but i'm throwing 1200W at it. I probably wouldn't be as happy with it if i only had 600-700W

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SSD12 copper coil, 2 cuft at 32 Hz... good little combination with that amp.



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