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Plan Ahead? electrical help! 4 sundown amps, need opinions

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Well guys i decided since im making some money, which is pretty good for 16, im planning my electrical now so i'm prepared in a few weeks. Right now i currently have a sae-1000D and 100.4 bridged on a 3 way set of CDT HD's and a Fi Q. However, 2 weeks ago i purchased another Sae-1000D Proto #2 i believe since i got #1, and i plan on buying a 100.2 in a week or two to go active 3 way on the CDT's. However situation is that im not sure how my electrical will hold up.

My electrical consists of this.

200 amp iraggi alt which is rated at 200 amps @ 1700 rpms and 120 @ idle (was told by Dom they conservatively rated and prob more like 215 - 130ish

Big three with 1/0 Gauge KLM Knu wire

1/0 Gauge KLM Power run

Autocraft titanium Battery - mid - large size autozone type battery. decent

Walmart small - mid battery in back

From that battery in the back i run another 1/0 gauge run through trunk to underneat the rear seats where they are distro'd into 2 4 gauge power runs.

I also have a 1/0 gauge ground run from under seats to a disto that splits it into 2 4 gauge runs as well.

Plan is to add another 1/0 gauge power run from the battery in the trunk to under seats where ill add another distro. and i will add another ground run as well.

Here what im not sure about.

IDK if the electrical above is sufficient to run all 4 of the amps. Im sure i could get away with the 3 amps in my possession now on what i have, but i just dont think it'll be ok with the 100.2 added in a week or two.

So what im asking for are your opinions i should do to keep my electrical up to par for what im wanting to run.

That means:

Battery recommendations? Deep Cycles?

Bat Cap?


I plan to compete in a year and will sell the 1000's for a pair of 1500D's or maybe 3000 so keep in mind


Jacob if you read? Send me a pm with estimated time for when the 50.4 or 75.2 will be released, and tell me which one of those is the same size as the sae-1000D, might run 3 sae lines because idon

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The multi-channels won't be drawing a whole lot of current on a daily basis. Don't really be concerned about their current draw, the sub system draws the most current out of everything by far.

Am I right that you have three batteries? The wording is a bit confusing. It sounds like you will be fine with the electrical setup that you have running daily.

In the future... simply keep the under-hood setup and add 2 - 4 Kinetik 2400s =)

PS: Took care of the double post.

PS II: The small SAE amps are still a bit in the future. I will have the SAE subs first... then the 75.2 after that. The SAE-50.4 will probably come after the Nightshades which are due next year... but you never know, it could come sooner.

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i have a walmart battery in the trunk just 1. and a semi large capacity under hood. just 2 batts people

Still fine for daily with that setup. For competition purposes with your proposed larger setup... just as above, add a few Kinetik 2400s.

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2400's in back im assuming?

Yep :) I've got two in my Civic behind the front seats.

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also any ideas you think i should do with 4 amps on mounting them? pics here of trunk and seats. I added a mdf floor and carpeted it black and will recarpet box and battery box to black as well. but that little later,





BEFORE IRAGGI ALT some more pics of electrical





Rest pics of install and system at putfile.com/theothermike/

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You already have a good handle on the situation bro.

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