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1200 bandit

Spl on a budget

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Hello all, I am building a budget spl system an need help with the enclosuer.I have one Sundown audio saz-1500d an two audiobahn aw1206t 12" subwoofers. The enclosure has to be under 7 cu ft outside. My car is a acura cl 1997 I have two Orbital 950ca batteries ,1/0 wire a fusion preamp with 8 vols outs. I know the flame q is not the best sub for spl but I can get them for $130.00 per set.

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130 a set is overpriced, buy some Maws instead

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130 a set is overpriced, buy some Maws instead

M5, I have the autobahns now so I will use them , can you help me with some numbers on the box. Thanks.

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I helped a friend in HS with an Audiobahn AWT12X, followed the recommended plans and it worked good enough as a starting point. If you're halfway serious about competing you'll likely go through those subs anyway :)

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I helped a friend in HS with an Audiobahn AWT12X, followed the recommended plans and it worked good enough as a starting point. If you're halfway serious about competing you'll likely go through those subs anyway :)

Hi Jim, Yes I am very serious about comperting I used up my budget on the amp, wire, batteries. Jim, did you use the 3.5 cu ft box that autobahn recommends for spl ?

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I thought my spl system was on a budget with 2 grand... :wacko:

Woofers- 350 (tc sounds oem's)

Kinetik hc2000 200 of ebay

Wiring ~150

Sound Deadening ~200

Dominick Irragi Alt 400

mdf, fiberglass, wood glue etc... 300

Time in front of a meter so far- 40

oh and I got side-tracked and ended up with a set of morel pulse components and hertz tweets on the way there.

And that isn't including the amps i have/ getting.

*** note that the amps prices are not calculated in the 2 grand budget, and that originally I was going to have 2 10" bl's or audioque hd3's.

Edited by audio-neon

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what sanction are you competeing and what class,thatll determine what we can try to help you accomplish

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what sanction are you competeing and what class,thatll determine what we can try to help you accomplish

Hi, it looks like USAC stock 0-600

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Id start with a sealed box with approx 1.5cuft per sub. See if that's loud enough for you. I had a couple aw12's a few years ago that got real loud sealed, but sounded like azz.

After that I'd look at putting them in a slot port box with 4-5 cubes net tuned to 35hz. If they get loud and sound bad, tune deeper...if they don't get loud, tune higher.

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