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how much power are you feeding your magnum?

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will a 12" magnum be ok with around 1.4k for music? what about for full on bass tracks?

how much power are you guys giving them?

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right now I am just feeding my Mag 15 600 watts off of my PPI PC2150, but I am on a mad hunt for a PPI PC 2350 to push 1400 to that sucker.

I read that alot of people push 1000 to a Mag 12 no prob.

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We had a guy accidentally hook up only one coil of his Magnum to a BP1200.1 and he didn't fry it... but please, don't try that at home.

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Tru H-1 running at 4 ohms warmed my coil nicely. no idea what actual power out put is at 4 ohms, the manual says 600 watts, but i would guess closer to 1200 watts actual power :D .


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My former setup was 3x Magnum 12s with an MA Audio MA5082HX on the trio... my electrical system only supported about 1200-watts of power from that amp (figure about 33% efficiency for it at that low of an output compared to it's maximum output -- so I was drawing a ton of current). Still... louder than hell.

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