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Homebrew speaker project resources

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I get asked a lot about recommendations for home audio speakers, and it's hard to argue with the value of DIY speakers. But just Googling for random plans can be a little intimidating sometimes if someone doesn't quite know what they're looking for. Figured we could start a little list of pre-tested homebuilt projects for people to look through, to get ideas for their own stuff. Feel free to add any that you come across.

http://www.zaphaudio.com/ - John Krutke's excellent site, concentration on smallish 'bookshelf' monitors and component comparisons

http://www.frugel-horn.com - full range, single driver, crossoverless designs

http://www.speakerbuilder.net/ - a good mix of bookshelf and floorstanding speakers, easy-to-obtain parts

http://www.humblehomemadehifi.com/ - very wide variety of tested speaker designs, from the economical to the no-holds-barred high end

http://www.partsexpress.com/projectshowcase/homeaudio.cfm - the PE project showcase. Lots of different ideas to try out

http://t-linespeakers.org/projects/index.html - transmission line speakers and subwoofer plans

http://www.quarter-wave.com/Projects.html - Martin King's quarter-wave speaker projects section, excellent information if you're thinking about building a tuned quarter wave pipe of any kind.

http://www.zillaspeak.com/bib.asp - probably the simplest-to-build horn plan out there, a good single driver, no-crossover solution. The companion thread on DIYAudio is here: http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=66173

http://members.myactv.net/~je2a3/open.htm - JE Labs open baffle plans. If you're curious about getting openly baffled, might be a good place to start looking

http://passdiy.com/speakers.htm - Nelson Pass' superb DIY section. Small speakers, BIG cabinets. Big fun.

http://www.quadesl.com/tidytl.html - compact transmission line plans for the highly-regarded Jordan JX92 full range speaker

http://planet10-hifi.com/boxes.html - Planet10's box plan library. Related to the frugel-horn project, this is *the* place to start looking if you're thinking about CSS FR125 4.5's, Fostex or other single speaker ideas.


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wow, excellent thread Jim

so many projects, so little time

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Great job Jim!!

going to take me a while to read through some of the T-line quater wave stuff.

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Anything like, DIY Headphone guides?

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Did you really have to ask?

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Eventually looking to upgrade my surround back and side speakers..... I am running Definitive Technologies 800 Pro series... I would like to jump up to some higher power handeling surrounds.... Any advice?

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Edited by SpeakerBoy

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Did you really have to ask?


I'm just asking, quit giving me shit come on.

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