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Big E

Any experience with "Dual" H.U.s?

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I'm currently in the process of redoing my sound stage. I'm going to replace my Alpine, the front Kickers with either Focal or Rainbow components (rear fill will stay Kicker 6x9s), and most likely 2 Mach 5 15's on a Sundown SAE-1000D. I figured an in-dash T.V. head unit would help pull the chicks ;), not to mention I could put my XBox in my car :OhYeah:


It seems like a good in-dash video head unit, and the store near me has it for $400, hence why I'm thinking of getting it. Does anybody have any experience with these?

Edited by Big E

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the dual or jensen are pretty damn equal in all aspects. i've installed both more then a few times over. seen both have similiar issues, but mostly due to customer abuse.

the valor piece we now carry is better then both and the same price. it's made by the same people, but doesn't require a toggle switch to see video. simply ground the parking brake wire.

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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ive heard great things about Valor as well as Tview. Ive seen the Tview double din in action and it seems to be bulil a bot more "solid" than the jensen/dual units. But for the money I dont think you can go wrong with the Valor!

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Is there just the one pre-out for an amp on that Valor? If so, could I run an rca from one amp's pre-out to another amps input? (I'd be running a Sundown SAE-1000D for the subs and an SAE-100.2 for the front stage).

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FYI, Dual was founded by the original proprietor/founder of Jensen.

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