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Aaron Clinton

Top 10 Life Lessons

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Just wanted to see what you guys take close to heart as some major lessons or experiences that need to be passed on to the next generation. Here are mine, which I am sure would change in a few years.

1. Be young and have fun with what and who you can while you can.

2. Family family family

3. College is worth it even if you don't use it

4. Children are more scary, more exciting, more stressful, more expensive, and more fulfilling then anything else period.

5. Own a civic / carolla, regardless if you need it or not, because you will.

6. Learn from those who came before you.

7. Don't hold a grude, or get angry about the small stuff. (I am really working on this one)

8. Do what you can to take care of the planet, even if it is just your little space, because there is not much left to take care of.

9. Get a hobby, play a sport, or play an instrument, they will help you continue to grow and give you something to always look forward to, even in the worst of times.

10. Travel, learn whats out there, meet new people, you cannot experience the world through a monitor.

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I like those Aaron.........

i'd like to add one of my own

"Be cautious of how you present yourself to people when you first meet them. You never know who they are or even more so who they know."


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1..life is far too short to be taken seriously

2..your kids are the greatest gifts that will ever be given to you

3..never, ever hold in your anger. let it go. it will serve no purpose on the inside, but will make you feel better when gone.

4..respect. it can never be taken or just given. for it to be real, it must be earned.

5..never stop learning. once you think you know it all, you start to fail.

6..failure. don't be afraid of it. learn from it and it isn't failure.

7..you only get one body. take care of it.

and my favorite quote of all time (i'll probably butcher it)

"Life's goal isn't to walk into heaven in a perfectly preserved body, but rather to slide in sideways at full speed, screaming and yelling, 'HOLY SHIT!! WHAT A RIDE!!!' "

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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very nice Couple I would like to add

don't take life to seriously , you will never get out alive.

respect is like a paycheck , you have to earn it

It's failure only if you stop trying

and my favorite

be careful of the toes you step on today , as they might be attached to the ass you have to kiss tomorrow. :)

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You guys took care of the nice ones, I will add something that a career in sales has taught me there are lots more but these are on the tip of my tongue now.

You never get what you don't ask for

If is an unnecessary word, use "when" instead.

Treat people how you would want to be treated.

In dealing with others, empathy is your friend. Don't act like you have it though, mean it.

Honesty and integrity may not help you in the now, but in the long run it is always a better choice.

Never be afraid to ask questions.

Use eye contact when you speak to someone.

A calming voice gets you further than an excited one.

Avoid email, phone or face to face contact is always better.

As for a life lesson, IMO the day you stop learning is the day you start to become old. Stay learning and you will stay young until you die.

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I like those Shawn............Good life lessons here thus far.


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I would have to do a little spin off, car audio lessons:

Don't try and cut an entire box with a jigsaw after working a double.

If you wait till the last minute, than mother nature won't cooperate.

There is no such thing as perfect, but keep on trying.

When things start falling apart, go back to the basics.

It doesn't matter what anybody else thinks, as long as you tried your best (and/or like it).....

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Not in any sort of order.

1. Always listen to those with experience.

2. Don't smoke, do drugs, drink, or pick up hitchhikers.

3. You don't have to deal with the shit you take every day from other people.

4. Start saving money as soon as you can ... the earlier you start the better. Begin an RRSP as early as you can and don't touch it.

5. Life is progressive - when you stop learning, you stop moving. Everyone should experience working in heavy industry as well as sitting in a college lecture hall learning ... make well rounded individuals.

6. Ask questions.

7. It's about who you know and what they can do for you.

8. Earn the respect you want.

9. True strength is when you keep moving forward when everyone else would have given up.

10. There is a difference between talking and doing. A lot of people talk ... that's great ... talking and wishful thinking won't get it done.

11. Obstacles are seen once you take your eyes off of the goal.

A couple sayings in Italian that were drilled into me from day one ...

A chi dai il dito si prende anche il braccio - give them a finger and they'll take an arm.

Chi va piano, va sano; chi va sano, va lontano - he who goes softly, goes safely; he who goes safely, goes a long way.

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"Life's goal isn't to walk into heaven in a perfectly preserved body, but rather to slide in sideways at full speed, screaming and yelling, 'HOLY chit!! WHAT A RIDE!!!' "

sig worthy :OhYeah:

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