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Michael Mitten

Looking to go IB which drivers?

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Not exactly what either of those drivers are designed for. Is there a reason you are choosing two and only looking at the Fi's? For the same money(less) you could use 4 MJ18's which should help out the really lows if you plan to use the setup for home theatre at all.

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4 8ohms would awesome.

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  ///M5 said:
Not exactly what either of those drivers are designed for. Is there a reason you are choosing two and only looking at the Fi's? For the same money(less) you could use 4 MJ18's which should help out the really lows if you plan to use the setup for home theatre at all.

Is it your opinion that 4 MJs will out perform 2 Fi SSDs or 2 Fi Qs?

I'm wide open to what I could use. I just saw over at the Cult and was told that these are good drivers and Scott does whatever tweek he needs to in order to make them good for IB use. I would like to stick to just two drivers if possible.

If it helps any, I have approx 1,700 cu ft for my HT. I'm looking to hit the bottom octaves with some decent authority without overdriving the drivers. I'll be using a Behringer amp capable of 1,400 watts rms. Not that I'll be using all 1,400, but what I don't use will be great for headroom and not stress the amp or the speakers with distortion.

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The Qs may nopt be specificaly built for IB, but they are not far off and they will cutomize them with IB in mind if you tell them. I would get those if you can't wait for the new 18 coming out by Mach5. The new Mach5 18 should be nice for this application. The MJ-18s fs is too high for my liking in an IB. Many have been happy with its performance though.

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Plan on twice the drivers you'd normally use if going IB, or you probably won't have the output you desire. I had 4 15" Tempests IB for a while, but output wasn't enough. Sounded very accurate when playing music, but didn't have that "slam" that I like.

Just got my 2 15" RL-P's in the house today. 10^3 @19Hz each and I'm quite happy so far.

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