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Has anyone ever built, seen, or heard a deathbox enclosure? I would like to build one myself but have only heard about deathbox and I never found the build plans. I would like to test the enclosure with a 10" mtx woofer and see what the enclosure is capable of. I stuffed the mtx in a sealed enclosure and it produces tight bass but nothing fantastic about it at 300watts. So if anyone knows where I can find the build info for the deathbox, I'd really appreciate it!

Or let me know if you have ever heard one in person!

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Buy the plans from http://www.decware.com

Steve has some of the best customer service out there, still wish I had one of his amps.

I haven't heard a Deathbox, but I can vouch for the Wicked One.

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i think either Scarenius (not sure if i spelled that right) or Adrian_D has one, maybe they both do

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i'm still running a deathbox.

loaded with an ss rl-i 10.

i get a bit of port noise, but only at high volumes and there's an annoying hump around 125hz (which can be brought down by tuning the box or using a steep x-over slope)

only had experience with it in my room : goes a bit lower than sealed, it's detailed and fast. and the sealed volume hits the mark Mike recommended.

i've also built the 12" version but i won't comment on that since i used a crappy sub.

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