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Hyundai Accent install for street beat

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My little brother is putting a system together for this years competition season. He will be competing in USACI's street beat. Its a 2003 (I believe) Hyundai Accent. He is using a real basic pioneer deck for now with an update in the future. Two runs of 0 gauge running back to a single US-AMPS 6000 pushing a single Hyfonics Goliath 15. Here are a few pics of the progress so far. We are a little behind because of orders not coming in, but it should be done in a week or so.







I used the RFL for comparison only, its the first sub to come close to its size but still just a little bigger. We are finishing the trunk in black suede and the amp will "float" behind the sub which will be mounted upside down. I guess thats it for right now. Lee

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Might want to fab up some kind of cover for those fuses.

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I am waiting for a chance to get some clear plexi to make a top. Thanks for the looking out though. Lee

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Heck of an amp planned. Hope the sub can hold it.

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Finished out the trunk and it sounds awsome. With so much amp, we have a ton of head room and it is super clean and tight. Tuned the box to about 37hz, and covered the panels in suede.



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We put some of that suede on the door panels also, turned out pretty cool. Car sounds awsome and dead quiet. I am pretty impressed with the sound deadner from elemental designs.

Factory materiel being held in place cause I forgot to take a before pic


Redone with the suede


Thanks for looking, Lee

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Looking good!

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Although the Goliath sub sounded awesome, it fell apart. The ring that the spider is glued to separated from the basket. We tried a lot of different glues but nothing worked. The same thing happened to my other brother's MA subs but the ring was wide enough to drill through and put in tiny bolts and nuts to hold it together. Hyfonics also will not even reply to e-mails about it so to sum it all up, the sub was awesome, but the support from the company is not. So, the only thing I had laying around to give him some bump was my MTX RFL that is pictured next to the goliath in a few previous pics. I had always heard they sound like crap, but we gave it a try anyway. I tell you what, it didn't sound as good as the Goliath, but its a long ways from sounding bad. It can't do real fast bass all that well but it can pound out rap with the best of em. I have decided to go with the RFLs in my van on second thought. Peace, Lee

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Very nice install.......

did you get a chance to meter it ?

how did it do inverted ?

was that a sealed boxx ?

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  Lord Baccus said:
Very nice install.......

did you get a chance to meter it ?

how did it do inverted ?

was that a sealed boxx ?

Didn't get a chance to meter it but we both agree that it is a little louder. It seems to be working great inverted, acually with the reverse surround it makes for a great sub to invert. The box is a little over four cubic feet and tuned to 37hz. I just wish the goliath had held together because it did sound a little better then the RFL.

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