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15 D2 box plans

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how much would plans for a 15 inch magnum D2 cost? i want something tuned low for MAX SQ

SQ is the only thing i even care about and i heard that a properly built ported box could actrualy yeild better SQ than a sealed.

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how much would plans for a 15 inch magnum D2 cost? i want something tuned low for MAX SQ

SQ is the only thing i even care about and i heard that a properly built ported box could actrualy yeild better SQ than a sealed.

$10 for plans. If you're interested fill out the Quote Request Form and put "Plans Only" in the message field

tuning the box way low could lead to a very large enclosure since these subs need at least 40-some square inches of port, but it can be done.

SQ is all about personal taste. What sounds good to me probably sounds like chit to somebody else. Ported boxes can be nearly as accurate as sealed boxes, but low tuning doesn't always equal good SQ. The only thing you gain by tuning a box extremely low is actually hearing the ultra-low frequencies being played. Unless you're trying to hear every last detail of the kettle drums in the 1812 overature, I don't think anything below 28hz is really necessary. The key to making any sub sound good in a ported application is finding a happy medium between box size, tuning frequency and port area.

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