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need some help, cant figure these problems out

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both are regarding my amp(s) and/or system.

1) whenever i have my car running, the voltage on my sub amp used to read around 14.2-14.4v, at idle. now its only reading around 12v, at idle, which is what it used to read with the truck off. which brings be to the second problem regarding this. now instead of my amp going into protect mode at 10.5v like before, its dropping down to 9v on the display. i highly doubt that its going that low. i havent touched any of the settings since i tuned it with the DMM. im not sure if its the display thats messed up, the amps reading thats wrong, or if im actually dropping that low. btw, the amp is a ma audio hk4000d that i bought off of scottie.


2) just today when i turned up my bass knob about 1/3 from full, which isnt much if you consider where i tuned it, my speaker amp drops out and i lose sound from my componants. i have been having trouble with the RCA input on my speaker amp because occasionally i would lose sound out of my left front componant, but then with a simple 'wiggle' of the left channel RCA it would come back on. idk if its the vibration causing it to drop out, bad RCA input, or if i have an electrical problem that could relate to #1 above.

thanks in advance for all help and suggestions.

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The first problem sounds like you have a loose connection somewhere.

"1/3 full" really doesn't mean anything, how much voltage are you getting from the head unit?

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The first problem sounds like you have a loose connection somewhere.

"1/3 full" really doesn't mean anything, how much voltage are you getting from the head unit?

Yep I'd check for loose connections. Also alt could be dying on you...

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Are you having any problems starting your vehicle?

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He got it figured out. He ended up having a loose connection at the battery. He is still working on the second problem but we think that one is a bad input on the RCA's.

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what mike said. im going to try another set of RCAs to see if i have a cut in them somewhere. the ones im using now are knuconceptz, so theyre not crap. who knows, might have just had a bad connection at the RCAs cuz theyre working fine now.

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