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The Second Half Of April Christmas

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TC Sounds OEM 10" Drivers (2 of them).

Enclosure will be built next weekend.

Here are some pics.



Side By side with TC sounds oem 10" (left) and a Diamond Audio D1 10" (right) both dual 4 ohm.



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I have 2 of them, next weekend I will start the glasswork in my trunk to set-it up and hopefully finish (in two and a half days) a false floor style box.

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They are little monsters... I picked up several for various projects. Have not listened to them yet but they do look nice :)

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I was curious about them, but just don't have the money to try them out.

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Denim, i got lucky, I was in the market for two SPL subs with 400 dollars in hand (going to buy just the first of my Fi Bl's) when I saw these and figured the price was right, and after talking to the design engineer on the phone for about an hour my mind was made up.

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they look like beefy little boogers =p.

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Denim, i got lucky, I was in the market for two SPL subs with 400 dollars in hand (going to buy just the first of my Fi Bl's) when I saw these and figured the price was right, and after talking to the design engineer on the phone for about an hour my mind was made up.

I can't wait to hear your report or review on them. My only hesitation is that TC reccomends against porting them, or at least that is what I remember reading. Are you building a pressure box to keep the suspension in check?

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The only reason they say not to port is that the port will displace about twice the box volume by the time you get enough port area and a low enough tune to get a flat response. They suggest a PR instead for that reason.

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The only reason they say not to port is that the port will displace about twice the box volume by the time you get enough port area and a low enough tune to get a flat response. They suggest a PR instead for that reason.

So Jacob,

do I smell and install with external Aeros?

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The only reason they say not to port is that the port will displace about twice the box volume by the time you get enough port area and a low enough tune to get a flat response. They suggest a PR instead for that reason.

So Jacob,

do I smell and install with external Aeros?

That is a possibility for folks wanting to run these in competition. But to be quite honest, in order to achieve a flat response even that is not practical for these things. They want a TINY box, even ported, and a low tuning to be flat. For a "street beater" or "SPL" tune you can port them no problem.

I picked up four... one is going to Switzerland for my friend's brother, one in a friend's boat, and the other two... I don't know yet :) Just got em' since they are cool.

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The only reason they say not to port is that the port will displace about twice the box volume by the time you get enough port area and a low enough tune to get a flat response. They suggest a PR instead for that reason.

So Jacob,

do I smell and install with external Aeros?

That is a possibility for folks wanting to run these in competition. But to be quite honest, in order to achieve a flat response even that is not practical for these things. They want a TINY box, even ported, and a low tuning to be flat. For a "street beater" or "SPL" tune you can port them no problem.

I picked up four... one is going to Switzerland for my friend's brother, one in a friend's boat, and the other two... I don't know yet :) Just got em' since they are cool.

Can't wait to see install pix.

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Yea, I'm really curious to see how it turns out. Those are some pretty cool woofers.

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well, i modified my test box to fit these beasts today ( i was really going through bass withdrawal).

They are in a 2 cubic foot box ported to 32 hz with 24 sq inches of port ( a little peaky in the 38-44 hz range, but nothing too bad. I am really just working to break these subs in. For my spl box I will be running them with external aeroports, and about 1.2 cubic feet per driver. For daily driving, i will only be feeding each one 900 ish watts, so I will be using a custom plug (no aeroport) to fill the hole from the aero, and displace another .4 cubic feet.

Anyways, for some preliminary results.

Wired the pair down to one ohm (saz-1500d), and threw in ludacris's blueberry's to set the gains.

Damn, these subs came to life, got the gain set (about 5/8 of the way) and my arm was starting to tingle from being so close to the woofers.

Let my car sit for 10 minutes with the battery charger on, to do a nice 35-50 hz warble. My windsheild wipers were moving, my back seat looked like it was gonna open itself, everything in my car that wasn't bolted down was vibrating hard. So for some fun I decided to see how fast these subs were, so out came some atreyu for some double bass fun. Didn't miss a beat, and hit them hard.

Next up was some various cd's i used for sq. Five for fighting was tossed in to listen to a few tracks to get the crossover set, and to get my bass even with my mids. Than came out the war of 1812, just because i love those cannons. When that first cannon went off, i actually jumped a little bit because of how real it sounded.

Finally for some straight abuse tests, I did a 5 minute 35-45 hz slow warble, and the sub didn't even smell.

Now for some of the negatives.

This sub is not for anyone looking for a shallow mount woofer, it really takes the full 800 watts to get this sub to play to its potential, not the biggest fan of the open motor structure ( virtually no basket to protect the voice coil), this sub is a heavy beast, therefor meaning that you really have to attach your box to keep it from tipping. Oh, and this woofer is very picky about box size.

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Agreed on the basket, you will note that TC uses a nice mesh around those open areas on their production models.

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Are we gonna get to see a vid?

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sure, i guess i can throw up a vid or two later on this morning.

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sure, i guess i can throw up a vid or two later on this morning.

:D :D :D:fing34::thanx:

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Very attractive subs and nice vid. Seems like there is a good amount of coil above the motor (well in this case below due to inversion).

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Yea, nice vid.

Those things are pretty cool.

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Some more christmas updates:

Now running my headunit in pro-mode, to run a brand new set of Morel Impulse components in my kicks (running active). The owner of Audio Obsessions actually beat knukonceptz pricing for wiring for me (was gonna order 325 dollars worth of wiring) but he made it possible to get all of the wiring I needed and a set of Components for cheaper.

So here is a pic of my new components in there new home:


Soon (June-ish) they will be powered by a sax-100.4.

Granted this doesn't look like a major update, but I also ran my new interconnects and all new speaker wire yesterday. SO I had about 3.5 hours of labor in the car yesterday. I still have a good 20 or so hours of tuning on the components, but don't worry, it won't get in the way of me hitting good numbers in the lanes, just made daily driving with an spl car that much more bearable.

Edited by audio-neon

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