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need crossfire vr2000d's

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Okay heres the deal.. i should within the next 2 hours or so recieve my two Powerbase xs 15's from ups.. I want to use crossfire amps.. your not gonna change my mind. any how I've been looking for a deal on them. And not on ones where the red light is on or it accidentally fell out of your truck on the free way, but you think it still works lol.. preferably new wit ha warranty. I'm working on building a show truck.. well daily driver/show vehicle. Here's what I'd like to accomplish

1993 ford explorer.. to be painted electric blue as soon as i get a free weekend to start body work.. rain = yuck

4x powerbase xs 15's - have two so far. will buy the other two if i can find a good deal on amps

4x crossfire vr2000d's - none as of the moment

probably a pioneer or clarion head unit

crossfire 5.25 component sets - havent bought yet.

its still pretty much a to do list but I'm looking to start rapping up the purchases.

so if you know someone at crossfire or have a key i can borrow.. lol jk itd be greatly appreciated. :thud: :thud:

special thanks to neal for the great buy on the subs.

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Um, Authorized Crossfire dealer.............

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crossfire is awesome stuff always has been, i think you should go with the 6.5 not the 5.25 comps.

were you from i know a few stores that sell them around me...

(as soon as my custom shop is open crossfire will be one of the companys i will deal with.....)


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theres a place down the street that sells crossfire. i'm trying to get in under retail.. 1000+ is rough on an amp

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Yes 1,000 + is rough for an amp. I would first try calling X Fire direct. Ask for Chris tell him I sent you. Ask about the competitor discount cost.

If it don't work out, hit me up with an email, I will see what I can do for you ;)

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Local shop sells them for like950 per.....Calling a freind who is an X-fire competitor.......he's not in right now but as soon asI hear froim him I'll post a price.


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man my local shop said 1200 was the lowest theyd go

called the shop........they want like 1100, so either way.............Someone can get lanzar 2000D's for 700. They do 2000 @ 1/2 ohm........... Not exactly what u wnat but just something i gfigured people should know.


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