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FI Q D2 10"

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Ok, here's the deal. I need a little more room for passengers in my truck so i've decided to down size to a 10" sub.

These are my questions:

1) Will a 10" Q handle the power from a SAZ-1500D at 1ohm? or would a D1 wired at 2ohm be better?

2) Would there be a noticable difference going from a 12" to 10" sub? SQ wise that is.

3) What is an optimal sealed enclosure size, square footage wise, for a 10" Q? I want it to get loud but sound quality is my main objective.

All I can think of for now. Need more info just ask. All help greatly appreciated. Chris.

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Nick if he got the new BP option for the Q wouldn't it be able to handle the SAZ-1500D?

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Possibly with the BP option. But it still depends on enclosure and application.

No difference SQ wise, but the 12 can work ins small sealed enclosures as well and in most instances, even if it is a squeeze, I would rather see the 12 used. .8-1.2 cuft sealed works well. They can go in smaller with a healthy dose of polyfill but Im more of a fan of lower qtc alignments and dont often recommend smaller than that.



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Thanks guys :fing34::thanx: .

I might go with a Q 12" & try a different box design. Might be able to get a little more room. Later, Chris.

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