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I like free stuff, too.

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i thought i had qualified for the free stuff a while back so i PMed you. then later on i sent an email with a few links. PM me and let me know whats up...

oh, and the BLs wanted to say hi... :takepix:


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Let me know your name and Ill see if I have you on "the list". If not, Ill run back through and check everything and get you out a shirt.

Im glad to see that the BLs ended up in a very nice home. Be sure to beat them everyday ;)

Thanks and have a good weekend,


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Hello BL.

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Doesnt look like you have been on the list of shirts to ship out. Please email me at [email protected] with your name, address, and size and we will get you one out. You definitely qualify.



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Not too thread jack... but splmark UPS really did an awful job on packing those subs. They simply threw the pair of them in a larger box and dumped peanuts into it. We got them in leaving a trail of peanuts from the UPS truck to the shop and a motor hanging half out of the box. Im glad things were coming in for recones as one of the subs had rubbed a hole through the other ones cone and dustcap.

We will get them out to you in a day or two.

T-shirts were for people helping rebuild the forum... Ill try to find the post and bump it up on the requirements.



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terrible about the UPS situation.

i cringe when i hear something of mine is being shipped UPS...

anyway, sending mailing info now...

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what are the requirements for the free t-shirt

you gotta send him 20 bucks... haha, jk...

there was a thread with guidelines to follow in order to help rebuild the forum, if you helped out you got free shtuff. i dont know if he is still doing it or whatever, but i did all of it like a month ago... :coolugh:

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Any difference with USPS? I heard a lot of horror stories with UPS. Saw one Atomic APX in half (basket break into 2 pieces) because of those guys.

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Not too thread jack... but splmark UPS really did an awful job on packing those subs. They simply threw the pair of them in a larger box and dumped peanuts into it. We got them in leaving a trail of peanuts from the UPS truck to the shop and a motor hanging half out of the box. Im glad things were coming in for recones as one of the subs had rubbed a hole through the other ones cone and dustcap.

We will get them out to you in a day or two.

T-shirts were for people helping rebuild the forum... Ill try to find the post and bump it up on the requirements.



damn i took them in with one box and told them to pack each sub in its own box and put them in a bigger box. i really hate u.p.s. they are to lazy atleast they are where i live

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