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Where can i get rough plans for a box

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Does anyone have any clue where I can obtain so rough plans or designs on making pacman boxes for my 4 15" BTL's??? I have been searching but coming up with the stupid pac man game somehow..

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Pacman box? That's a new term to me. Any further explanation possible?

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Generally speaking 'pacman' style boxes are sealed, and with BTL's i highly recommend that you do not use a sealed enclosure...

Why not use a "V" style wall and either put the port in the middle or on the bottom?

Regardless this will be something that you will have to do on your own, as it is a specific 'custom' application and there isn't anything "cookie cutter" style about it...it'l have to be something that you draw up yourself, or have a shop build for you following our guidelines on enclosures in the sticky section.



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Is it possible to make one into a ported box? I have seen one with RF T2's, but not to sure about the BTL's. Or will I be forced to go with 4 12's or 3 15's, in which case, what would be better out of those two. I am thinking 4 12's. If I can fit 3 in my little Ranger, I am sure I could fit 4 in a silverado. As for a wall, I will only have a fiberglass lid on my truck, not a full out camper shell, so a wall will not work. Unless you are talkin bout something I dont realize that you are.

Edited by truckaudioman

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