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mach5audio mj18

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hey guys...

just to let you know i recently took a leap to build an EBS, an 8.8 ft3 sub!, using the mj18 and a rythmik amp plate and it is awesome! i am still playing with it and making a few adjustments to make it sound tighter. the box is large as you can imagine, 42 x 17.5 x 27.25 external dimensions with a port slot of 2.25 x 16 x 29, tuning at 18hz. it sits behind my couch down firing, with my computer table on top. so far, it sounds great but i need to make more adjustment with adding and subtracting fiberglass. placement of my room has been a challenge since my room is so big with 20' ceiling, with a lead to a kitchen. it's a z shape room with no wall for bass reinforcement at listening position. when testing the sub with test tones, the sub is has really punchy and great extension bass. it can play really loud. anyone has any thought about placement, please share.... overall, the mj18 is a great driver. it plays plenty loud, making my hsu vtf3 sounds silly!

anyway any of you have experience with mj18 let me know on placement and other experience i would appreciated...

happy listening..

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I have not tried it in home, but in vehicle, by directing it so the distance for sound to travel to my ears to be as long as possible was the best result. There is a Mach5 forum here if you want to have more direct connection with Mach5 customers. Personally I feel the MJ-18 radiates sound really well and placement is not as big an issue as enclosure design.

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How well would you say it does with music?

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I think it does very well. At first it did have a peak on the high end of the sub range, but it settled down once broken in.

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What I've read a lot of places, for placement, put the sub in the listening position. Then crawl around the room to possible places you would like to place the sub and listen to what that spot sounds like. Which ever place sounds the best should be where it sounds the best when you're back in your listening position.

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