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Captain Kev

2 Fi BTL18 Installed

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I've had the BTLs in my Blazer for about 3 days and all I can say is wow. Considering that they are classified as SPL subs, they have great transient response. They can keep up with the classic and alternative rock while being ungodly loud on rap/hip hop. They hit the lows with more authority than my Solo X18 which surprised me. Each sub is powered by its own Concept CD-2410. Great subs. Kudos go out to the Fi crew.

For Tejcurrent: Overall compared to the Solo X, they are louder, cleaner, and go lower. (unless you give the solo X 5000-6000w) They also play just a bit more of the higher freqs. The BTL is a better sub for the money. Enough said.

This is the first wall I've built, seen, or heard in my area. It is ~12.5 cubic feet tuned @ 34hz. It has a double baffle and plenty of 2x4 bracing. I was really anxious to hear how it sounded. I had heard they didn't hit the lows very well. I guess that hearsay was wrong. I just wish I had a camera during the build.




BTW this install is not completed. I still have to install the contour pieces and seal off the wall, not to mention finding somewhere to mount the amps. I'll post some new pics later this week once I have everything situated.


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Thanks for the review and info so far about the install and subs. Cant miss that red wall with a pair of 18s in it. Im sure youll get double takes galore in rearview mirrors from people wondering what the heck is being unleashed in the Blazer behind them ;)

Keep us posted.



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Cool, glad you like them so far!

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