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My new 12" BTL fully loaded review

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This sub is the best sub ever we tested it out the other day to see howmay watts I could put to it and right now it is able to hold 3852 watts (the max my amp will put out right now at 14.9 volts). I am going to buy another earthquake amp and starp them together to see how much more we can give it. I am currently running the sub at 1.30 ohms I will run it at .65 ohms once I get my next amp. For any one out there that is wanting a sub that will hold just about anything that you can give it I would go with Fi Audio, I am now going to be running Fi in all of my cars from now on. Thanks again for all of your hard work. I will lwt you know how may watts we can give it before it gives out. I will be getting it tested this next week on a new term lab mic my prediction is that right now it is about a 141 Db's out of the trunk.

Here is a link to view my cars and sub:


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any pics or number? Better yet.. viddy??

How do you get videos on to this site?

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One amp hit a 141.4 db on the new term lab mic. Soon I will have the other amp and will get it tested to let you now how much better it does, and what the sub will hold.

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