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I got a Q

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^ would you be more clear.

i have a 2.32 ft^3 box for the Q i want to tune it to 32hz and the calculator told me that the lenght would be around 10" im going to use 4" because im getting the pvc for free, and i might use an elbow join at the end. any suggestions? BTW scott did you sent the sticker?

also, the port is going inside the box, ( the amount of space taken by the port is minimal) i dont have a big trunk for the box, i own an altima 2005 and i still want some space for baggage

Edited by why

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why... sorry what is your name again? I have an awful memory for forum name = real name :)

bigjae1976 would definitely know what he is talking about. And if you are simply using 4" PVC with no flares, then I know for a fact that you will have major port noise. I think he was having noise issues with a single 4" aeroport which reduces port noise DRASTICALLY vs a standard squared end round port.

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Ignacio Esquer, the one with the street adress in spanish. BTW im 4xl or 3xl in case you want to send a shirt too ;) cant blame for trying

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i really dont want port noise, but i have no other choice that i can think of, i cant do aereos, because i dont have space in my trunk for them, also the box is pretty much done, 29w x 14h x 14d, i havent installed the woofer in it yet, and i havent put the mdf piece (the one were the dub will be drill on) to the box.

i think i may use an elbow joint(for space saving) inside the box so i can put the port and maybe something to support the pvc?

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Address found and envelope addressed. Ill get you a couple of stickers out tomorrow.



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I don't understand why you can't use the aero inside the box, or what you mean by you don't have space to use aero vs pvc? do you just mean the depth of it? I'd really try to get a bit more area if possible. PVC isn't that expensive, you can buy a 10' length of 6" for $20 at lowes/home depot.

You could make a square port with a bit more area, what about a 5x6 rectangular port with beveled edges? I would think that would be better and still not eat up all your box.

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i tought that aereos are only for the outside, and yes i dpnt have enpugh depth, that is why i want to use a elbow joint, how could i use a rectangular port i know nothing about them

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slot ports are just that, it's a rectangular port that uses one side of the wall as part of it's construction...

Depending on what you want to tune it to..

the tuning freq will determine the ports length

a universal width is usually 4"

though Fi Recommends in almost all ported enclosures 12 - 16 sqr ft of the boxes Volume

so say you box is 15" high

the port will be 4"W x 13.5" H x (whatever length is required for tuning)

Then it will look similar to this (this is not exact i just wanted to show you a picture)

Ported plans

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