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Small Q box

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Would a 15" Q dual2 work decently in a 2.3 cubic foot @ 30hz enclosure? Would having a driver in a smaller ported box offer the same benifit as having it in a smaller sealed box as in increasing its power handling? As I have a USAmps MD.1D which is rated at 1200@1ohm but I believe it is slightly underrated.

Edited by Puggsley456

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2.3 cubes is somewhat small...you'll probably have a very peaky response, and there's a good chance that it won't sound good...i've never put one in an enclosure that small.

Might want to look into a sealed box, or getting more volume and staying within our guidelines.


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and the Q would easily handle 1200 clean watts.

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and the Q would easily handle 1200 clean watts.

and what about a Q15 and Sundown saz-1500D combo?

can a single Q handle the SAZ at 1 ohm daily?

anyone tested this ?

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If you set your gains properly and don't get too happy with the Q, For reference, I am running two Diamond D1's on a saz-1500d @ 1 ohm, and they haven't failed me yet. (D1's are rated 200 watts rms, 400 max, and i am giving each of them 900 rms).

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