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Kicker Guy

Question for Scott

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Hey Scott,

I need a question answered that just seems to never go away... I found this, its a quote from Dan Wiggins about power handling when running 1 coil on a DVC sub

"Lastly, power handling isn't compromised by a factor of 2; it's usually decreased 10-25%. The reason is that rarely are you current-limited by the gauge of the wire, and voice coils are wound concentrically so you still have the entire thermal mass working for you. Just that now all the power is dissipated in a single voice coil (typically two of four layers) so you may end up with an inert, non-conducting thermal mass insulating one side of the voice coil. This does not halve power handling, but can reduce it somewhat."

Personally it sounds right to me but you are a designer what do you say?

Also man I love the SSD and BL's I ordered, I love how great they are and how cheap you sell them... you guys freakin rock!



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You shouldn't need to use one coil on a sub anyhow...we've got plenty of coil options to choose from :).

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Well... he is right about the thermal loss not being half. It can depend on if it is the inner our outer coil winds being used a little too and how the cooling is setup. But... Im not sure if I would agree with things being current limited. I am seeing more and more current problems with people running amps at ultra low impedances.

And well... running a sub with only one coil does drastically change TS params as well. Yes, you can design for this as I did with the extra half coil in the AA Atlas subs, but it can make a huge difference (usually for the worse).

In general I dont recommend it. Normally you just order the proper coil for the amp and setup you have and are good to go. Where I have recommended it is with lower powered HT applications for IB, Q changing with a shorted coil, or as a feedback loop for servo setups. In car... nope :)



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