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What amp for my BTL?

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I recently had a Hifonics BXi2006D, but I think that is blow up :(. So I am looking for a new amp. I am trying to keep the price around 500, but that doesnt look like its going to happen. I am just looking for some sugguestions. Thanks.

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I heard IA 20.1's dont really come alive unless they are at a low impediance level, and not the Orion because I don't want anything used. Where can I buy the hk4000d at?

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your not going to find much brand new to get the power your looking for for only 500...

sundown and hifonics.

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if the 20.1 doesnt come alive until lower impedence level, then you should be fine? i mean one dual 2 ohm sub wired in parallel brings the load down to 1 ohm at the amp.

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Sundown Saz-1500d is six hundred, or you can pre-order two of the SAE-1000d's and that will give you 2kw for 450.

There is also the DD m2

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You can find some 2500d's in great shape..i did and it is doing a great job feeding my BTL.

got mine for 400shipped with endcaps, wasnt even a major scratch on it.

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i'm sure if he pm'ed flako about us amps flako could get him a good deal on an amp for the btl.

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what happened to the bxi2006d? I think new that's about your best bet for the $. Are you willing to buy used?

heres a used 2500 for 400 http://cgi.ebay.com/Kicker-2500x1-amp_W0QQ...1QQcmdZViewItem

Here's a hifonics thor -3krms for <$600


soundstream pca3500 for around 550 shipped


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