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Box Building Software

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I need subwoofer box building software......I wanna start designs for my 2 15's NOW!!!1

Anyone got any help??

FREE is really helpful!!!!


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in my opinion this is a very useful tool.... only thing u have to know going into it when designing the box is dimensions u have in mind... total port area (Cu ft. of box x 16, ex: 4 cu ft box x 16 = port area of 64) tuning of the box.... and displacement of your sub.... and the xmas of ur sub

to obtain your desired port area.... everything revolves around the xmas.... so first initially plug in the accurate xmas of the sub... then slowly bring it down until you hit the desired port area... a little bigger port area wont hurt...

also youre first box is going to be an akward maze type of slot port as u lower the xmas itll turn into an L port...

just mess around and have fun..

i never been able to understand winisd.... but the free ported plans works well for me


Edited by theothermike

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  theothermike said:

in my opinion this is a very useful tool.... only thing u have to know going into it when designing the box is dimensions u have in mind... total port area (Cu ft. of box x 16, ex: 4 cu ft box x 16 = port area of 64) tuning of the box.... and displacement of your sub.... and the xmas of ur sub

to obtain your desired port area.... everything revolves around the xmas.... so first initially plug in the accurate xmas of the sub... then slowly bring it down until you hit the desired port area... a little bigger port area wont hurt...

also youre first box is going to be an akward maze type of slot port as u lower the xmas itll turn into an L port...

just mess around and have fun..

i never been able to understand winisd.... but the free ported plans works well for me


Greetings Mike,

The subwoofertools code has led to some rather inaccurate and unfortunate builds. I seem to recall a box that turned out quite terribly on caraudio.com and I personally would not recommend it.

As to the port area conversation, it does, in part, relate to Xmax (which is noticeably different than xmax ;) ). When creating a simulation, you should not be adjusting Xmax in anyway to compensate for any port length required for a given amount of port area.

To the original poster,

I'm just looking for clarification. Are you looking for a program that can produce a cutsheet? Looking for a CAD (or similar) rendering of the finished product? Or are you wanting a program to simulate speaker performance?

For creating a cutsheet or cutlist, you can use the open-source program CutList. The executable is available here.

For creating a visual rendering of sorts, I suggest SketchUp. You can grab the free version here.

For enclosure simulations, there are a number of solutions available. Off the top of my head, I recommend UniBox or Brian Steele's spreadsheets. If you're looking at more complicated enclosure design (ie. horns or TL's), you can utilize the MathCAD sheets at MJK's site.


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looking for simulations.........i wanna figure out whats gonna make a nice even box that still gets LOUD and down and dirty too.


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if you don't include cabin gain, you will never be able to simulate what's going to happen inside a car or a room.

it's just an anechoic simulation.

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Good point.........vanquished again.


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you could use the bass-box cabin gain model. but, again, it's not what you're going to hear.

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You won't ever be able to exactly simulate what happens in the car until you measure the exact transfer function of YOUR car. You can however use a basic enclosure simulator and your understanding of the basics of cabin gain to give you a decent idea of what is going to happen in-car.

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jordan, pm me sometime on aim, we can come up with something

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I'll im u next time I get on which may be tonight if its not hella windy.


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